Friday, October 14, 2011

Bless His Heart

I am a photographer. I strive to one day be a professional and I love to practice on my favorite subjects, my family. I am very lucky to have a daughter who will bring her husband and babies along on shoots to amuse me. Lol

My grand babies are precious and are great on our adventures just to be two and three years old. We go on walks and drives all over town for our pictures and they seem to enjoy it.

They are both good at posing for me but I didn't realize just what the oldest would do until we found a little prayer garden in a church yard here in town. He was a angel that day. I asked him to kneel down and pray for the shot and he did not hesitate. He even patiently moved around a few times to get the perfect picture.

To me the times I spend doing the thing I love, with the people I love, are memories in the making. I hope it is for my grandchildren also, because our memories are what connect us to others.